Motivation Speaking & Weddings

You Can Either run from it… or learn from it!

{Pronouns: We/Us/Our}

Our time as Young Simba in the original cast of Disney’s The Lion King Broadway Tour was one of the most enriching moments of our life. The value from the time spent on tour is ingrained into the very fabric of the life we live today. Though the profound connection we’ve cultivated with the company members over the years is the MOST meaningful benefit we have experienced from being apart of this awe-inspiring legacy, the lessons learned from this show, on and off the stage, slide in as a close second. Action packed with messages from favorite songs like ‘Be Prepared’ and unforgettable lines such as "You have forgotten who you are and so have forgotten me…”, there is no shortage of golden nuggets imbedded in this musical. Essentially, The Lion King coming-of-age story has a way of being relevant for all people at any stage in life and it’s coupled with timeless lessons that will never hit you the same way twice! The overall lesson that proves to be most telling is the great circle of life and how its representation includes the light and dark within us all.

With a professional career in entertainment that spans over 20 years, paired with our extensive experience in community engagement & youth enrichment, we present an offering that is sure to leave you newly empowered, enlivened and moved by the circle of life playing out before you. Though we acknowledge these lessons and principles benefit a wide variety of individuals & communities, our mission is to make these offerings widely available to those who are statistically as well as systematically under-resourced. The 3 major concepts at the core of our offerings are summarized below:

Alton Fitzgerald White (Left) as Mufasa and Dr. Alexander Free Garland (right) as Young Simba pictured at the top of the song “The Morning Report” in The Lion King Musical for the opening premiere of Disney’s The Lion King (First National Broadway Tour)- [April 17th, 2002].

  • The 1% Rule: The 1% rule of healthy habit forming (One By One)

  • The secret to ‘The Circle Of Life’: Accepting the dark as much as the light (Light & Shadows)

  • The Ultimate Wi-Fi Connection: ‘Online’ vs. ‘Offline’ behavior & how to stay connected! (They Live In You)

How We Deliver:

A lot like experiencing balance on your first bike ride, there is nothing like the moment when life ‘clicks’ and you understand a new aspect of who you are. Though we know it’s not always easy to get there, there are some tips and tricks that have proven to be beneficial to us along the way. We deliver our special brand of empowerment through a dynamic recipe of movement, acknowledgement, projected visuals, deep antidotes, laughter, analogies, games, exercises, storytelling, songs, persistence, demonstrations, rewards and generosity. This kind of enrichment strongly appeals to individuals/groups yearning for something deeper and more meaningful out of everyday life.

In short, we offer workshops, speaking engagements, programs for implementation in schools/community centers and cultural/community outreach and engagement through arts & storytelling. A unique benefit of our services is also our access to featured guests that may join us (based on availability and budget) sourced from our broad, personal network of international entertainment industry professionals and inspirational figures.

Where we offer our services: Elementary/middle/high schools, community centers, nonprofits, HBCUs, trauma centers, hospitals, corporations, foster homes, performing art centers, entrepreneur spaces, conferences, and places of worship.

Base Rate: $3,000 per engagement*

*We are committed to the value of our offerings as well as being accessible to under-resourced communities. Don’t let our rates stop you from reaching out. We promise to do our best when meeting you at your budget.

For booking Inquiries, Send an email to

Brief Biography: {Pronouns:We/Us/Our} Dr. Alexander Free Garland (Dr. Free) is best known as a child star for playing the role of Young Simba in the original cast of the first national tour of Disney’s The Lion King. With a long-standing presence in the arts and entertainment industry, Dr. Free has been on the cutting edge of entertainment development with several artists, such as Janet Jackson, Jennifer Hudson, Lin-Manuel Miranda, Rosario Dawson, India Arie, The PRINCE Twins (Maya and Nandy McClean), Dream Hampton and the late, great, PRINCE as well as companies like Flash Mob America, and B. Dunn Movement Dance and Theatre Company. Conferred with an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy of Metaphysics in December of 2021, Dr. Free is proud to provide trauma rehabilitation and over a dozen other services to under-resourced BIPOC individuals and communities. Coined as 'the conscious Dr. Seuss' under the pen name Dr. Chakra, you will find a series of conscious children's books available for purchase on The Top Publishing Company website. With Luminescent Dolphin nonprofit as a hub for most of the programs that Free offers, 'Lessons From The Pride Lands' (a BIPOC enrichment initiative) and Freedom! (a Sierra Leone filmmakers exchange program) are the programs with the farthest reach so far.