On The Horizon!
On The Horizon
The 4-week adventure is action packed with block parties, business/restaurant takeovers, cooking lessons, art installations and community beautification projects that make a lasting mark on the city for generations! The teens also get paid a stipend for completing the program.
In partnership with Remedy Portugal, a compound hosting artist residencies, foreign exchange programs, art installations and events that heal in many facets. This exchange features a deep dive in cultural exploration and appreciation that is catered to black and brown families who don’t typically have access to experiencing international opportunities of the sort. Just outside of the capital of Lisboa, the families engaging in horticulture, craft making, cooking workshops and radical self-love implementation.
Independent filmmakers work tirelessly from conception to realization of a film, with a staggering 90% experiencing no profit or recoup of their personal investment of time, money and resources. A pay-per-view international streaming platform that pays indie filmmakers 70% or more for each view is what the community needs to provide the much needed support its been missing. That is what we are developing… and to that end, we say, ‘Carpe Diem!’ (Seize The Day!).
A development that has been in the works for a few years is coming to fruition! Kids In Orbit (KIO) Learning is has been ahead of the curve for over a decade when it comes to teaching children new languages. This endeavor launches with the translation of The Conscious Children’s Chakra Book Series (11 books) being translated into Spanish, Portuguese and Japanese before the end of 2024. Additionally, there is a NEW language-focused book in creation as well. All in preparation for KIO-Con, A Language, STEM & Space Event for kids premiering in Newark, New Jersey in the summer of 2024.
A spontaneous burst of people showing up randomly for the sole purpose of making the world a better place by cleaning up litter. Inspired by the work with FLash Mob America since 2012, this is an impact that found new legs during the pandemic, traveling around the US. With plans in place to expand to a global presence, there is a lot of promise for dance & music to heal the world.
The functional accessory glove for appetizers and finger foods. With a variety of designs with carrying cases, eco-friendly conscious production and a hilariously clever marketing campaign in the wings, this glove will be a crowd favorite in no time! When your fingers need good love, reach for The App. Glove!
Taking inspiration from the song by Luther Vandross and Cheryl Lynn, we often think of a world that is full of equity, justice, good times and harmony. If This World Were Ours™ is a quirky look into another dimension where that is a reality.
An interactive, full spectrum-sensory virtual reality simulation program designed specifically for mass consciousness acceleration. Engaging the senses with high frequency means [sounds, emotion enhancers, tastes, smells, visuals, mental relaxants and positivity/empathy stimulators], to yield a more tuned-in human experience of life. Wakanda and Star Trek themed concepts are currently being pitched to showcase diverse applications of the concept. Pop-up models of this creation in conversation of being realized at Remedy Portugal in 2025.
A donation-based system designed to dissolve the barrier to access of the arts and engage in its many facets. Available virtually and in- person. Including yet not limited to instruction on the art of healing, painting, loving, acting, singing, dancing, being, feeling, breathing, meditating and so much more.
The fire of education and engagement is burning strong within our walls, inspiring the creation of lessons to make available to the communities we are committed to serving. Here is a sneak peek at some of the new curricula currently in development: The Adventures Of Dr. Chakra Playbook- A curriculum based on the golden nuggets found in book series, Remedy Pop Up Playbook- The manual for mounting the summer program, Do The Right Thing: Etiquette Playbook- a training ground for mastering one’s reactions in public spaces, The Intuition Rewards Program- A system created to support the trust in one’s ability to succeed, The Free Rewards Program- A simplified system for children to build trust, character and discipline, Cubs In Training Playbook- A system for how to manage show business healthily with perspectives for both children and their guardians in mind.
Carefully capitalizing on the infamously unhealthy offering to children, this project has a goal to reset the mindsets about healthy foods and healthy eating habits for black & brown communities. Featuring the launch of frozen food lines, food trucks, cafes and conscious, plant-based recipe books that are healing for the mind, body & soul.
There are several simple actions that can be taken to preserve the multifaceted life of the ocean. Sincec before Luminescent Dolphin was an active nonprofit, we have been making strides to save harmful plastics and pollution from making its way into the ocean. Now, those efforts are able to expand exponentially with this organization in place. In the meantime… save a turtle, buy a steel straw!